Red Beet and the Secrets of Health & Vitality

Red Beet Viablecultures

Red beet contains many ingredients like the high calories, potassium, sodium, vitamins, mineral, folate and other nutrients and fiber. Raw beet (or juice) can preserve the content like the betalains and the vitamins. This is stated to be good for purification of blood, removal of kidney and bladder stones, normalization of blood pressure and elimination of toxic elements from the internal organs.

Red Beet and the Muscles

  • Skeletal Muscles: – Beet ingredients provide strength and stamina to the skeletal muscles at the Myofibrils. The minerals like potassium and magnesium (beet ingredients) can interact with the sarcomere responsible for muscle contraction. Flexibility in contraction strengthens the muscles in the legs, thighs, arms and shoulders. The high calories within the beet can help burn more fat during athletic and resistance training workouts.
  • Cardiac Muscles: – Cardiac muscles are branches found within the heart walls. The high nitrate content within the beet can help strengthen the tissues and cells within the muscles. The conversion of nitrate into nitric oxide can also help strengthening of the intercalated disks. This allows efficient pumping of blood through stress free heart contractions.
  • Smooth Muscles: – The smooth muscles are located within the internal organs like the uterus, urinary bladder, eyes etc. Beet ingredients like folate can enhance the resistance to stress within these smooth muscles.

Red Beet and the Skin

  • Anti Aging: – The rich mineral ingredients of red beet can increase the collagen and elastin production to remove the aging signs. Wrinkles, lines and the sagging skin symptoms are eliminated through beet ingredients.
  • Skin Immunity: – By eliminating the toxic elements and purifying the blood supplies to the skin layers, red beet increases the WBC strength and numbers to the optimum level. This process increases skin immunity.

Similarly the red beet protects the brain (from dementia), bones (from arthritis) and many other internal organs.

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